Learn how to create, edit and cancel events. Mithilfe von Events kannst du ganz einfach und schnell eine Gaming-Session mit Freunden, Gruppen oder Communitys planen. PlayStation does not have any upcoming events. PSPro Midnight Launch Event.
Wie ihr Einladungen verschicken . How to make an event on ps! You can join the following types of events : - In- game events - Official. The first episode will include game reveals, trailers and gameplay footage for PSand PS VR, while there will be more State of Play streams . Check out all available low and high rank event quests!
Oktober 13: Uhr GMT bis zum 14. XBOX Tamer Level Up Event ! Get involved in event weeks, contests and giveaways, live streams and more. MONSTER HUNTER WORLD: ICEBORNE Available now!
The Guardian armor set will be available for all players to download! PS“ ist eine Schutzmarke von Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. Xbox“ und die Xbox-Logos sind Schutzmarken der . Black Desert plant für die kommenden Wochen viele Events , die für Rückkehrer und für das Leveln neuer Charaktere interessant sind. Your monthly look into the top Creative games.
Is there a site that would give you more info when events start at certain dates? We are also introducing a 1TB PSDays of Play Limited Edition for $299. Bekommt ihr auch andauernd Event -Benachrichtigungen auf eure PS? Das Gute: Ihr seid damit zumindest nicht allein. Starting today, anyone can take part in the . These prizes are shared with the Synthesis Flashback HC Event ,. I was looking forward to this event a lot on ps, to now read this and realize . To give the community a preview of the missions that will be included in the upcoming Survivor Pass: Vikendi . PS- PTS Vikendi Mission Event.
Find event and ticket information. December winner of a brand new TV and PSconsole with VR Headset. SA Electronics, Waterfor IE God of War, Spider-Man, Red Dead - Days of Play discounts. Entwickler Niantic kündigt ein großes Ingame- Event zum Gruselfest an.
Apex Legends: Launch-Trailer zum Event Voidwalker. Halloween steht vor der Tür und „Pokémon GO“ feiert mit! Welcome to The Official Crew Hub.
See your ranks and rewards in real-time by viewing the Summit Live Leaderboards, check out the latest In-Game Events , . Das Event Fight or Fright läuft vom 15. After a season of weekly league battles and high profile special events , top. Borderlands Anniversary Celebration.
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